RSVP Today for the 35th Annual Commerford Awards

Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2021 John Commerford Labor Education Awards.

Every year since 1987, the NYLHA has celebrated two activists for their contributions to workers’ empowerment. The 2021 Awards will honor organizer, author, and scholar Jane McAlevey and labor educator extraordinaire Robert Wechsler. They do extraordinary work bringing workers’ history to life and illuminating its relevance for today.

Attendance is free, with donations strongly encouraged. To support the John Commerford Labor Education Awards visit the NYLHA Commerford page.

This event is a partnership between The New York Labor History Associate, Labor Arts, and the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive at NYU Special Collections.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE 35TH ANNUAL COMMERFORD AWARDS CEREMONY ON DEC. 2, 2021 and click the donate button below to support our work to preserve and amplify the rich history of New York’s working people

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