The Iron Triangle at DOC NYC

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The Iron Triangle, a new documentary by present and past NYLHA members exploring the erasure of New York City’s working class spaces, jobs, and people will be premiering at the DOC NYC film festival on Saturday 11/11 at 4:30pm.

There will be a second matinee screening on Thursday 11/16 at 12:30pm. Both screenings will be held at the IFC Center in the West Village.

Tickets can be purchased here.

A Documentary Film by Prudence Katze & William Lehman
Premiering at DOC NYC November 11th, 2017

For decades, Queens’ Willets Point has been the site of an interconnected network of hundreds of small auto repair shops, known for no-frills but inexpensive, quality service. The owners, many immigrants, have persevered despite a lack of city support, but their luck may have just run out. With the Iron Triangle declared a blight and marked for lucrative redevelopment, the working class of Willets Point faces off against gentrification and urban renewal for the future of their livelihoods and community.

John Commerford Labor Education Awards Held November 28 

Founded in 1987, each year NYLHA honors two people for their contributions to workers’ empowerment.  This year’s honorees are Bhairavi Desai, co-founder of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, and Tom Robbins, investigative journalist.

The Awards reception was held Tuesday November 28, 2017 at 32BJ SEIU,  25 West 18th Street, NYC.  A good time was had by all — check back later for a report on the event.

October Book Review

We are pleased to announce a new book review from Professor of English and teacher of Baseball and American Culture classes Mark Altschuler, on Are Players’ Unions Good for Professional Sports?by Thomas Riggs.













For previous book reviews click here.

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