NYLHA Nights at the Workers Unite! Film Festival

Both the New York Labor History Association and the NYLHA Working (Youth) Group are proud to host two separate nights at the Workers Unite! Film Festival from May 9-May 19.  On Monday, May 12, 6:00 p.m., the NYLHA Working Group is hosting a night of films entitled “Films from the Frontlines,” featuring four short films: Overpass Light BrigadeUnder the BusTWU Organizing Across the Country, and Tala, all at Cinema Village @ University Place, 22 East 12th Street.  NYLHA is hosting a night of films entitled “Equal Pay for Equal Work,” featuring three films: The Life and Times of Rosie the RiveterNever Got A Dime: Lilly Ledbetter’s Story, and Made in Dagenham, on Tuesday, May 13, 5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m., also at Cinema Village.

For tickets and information about the entire festival, go to Workers Unite! Film Festival.

NYLHA Conference: The Attack on Public Workers

The New York Labor History Association is proud to present a labor history month conference on the Attack on Public Workers, a panel discussion featuring Henry Garrido, Associate Director of DC 37, and Emil Pietromonaco, the Secretary of the United Federation of Teachers, moderated by Gene Carroll, the Co-Director of the New York State AFL-CIO/Cornell Union Leadership Institute.  The conference will be held at 52 Broadway, 19th Floor.  Light refreshments will be served.

To reserve seating, see the flyer here: Labor History Month Conference

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