Online Exhibits
All over the country, people are gathering information on labor history, and increasingly, it’s available online. Here are a few of the best online exhibitions of labor history.
New York City Labor History Map
This wonderful, interactive project, a joint project of the New York Labor History Association and the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, allows viewers to explore the labor history in New York City.
Dreamers and Fighters: The NYC Teacher Purges
A multimedia presentation of the purges of New York City schoolteachers at the height of the McCarthy era.
Remembering the Flint Sit-Down Strike
This site, run out of Michigan State University, hosts a variety of wonderful resources—most importantly interviews with participants and observers—on the Flint sit-down strike, one of the founding moments in the history of the CIO.
Samuel Gompers Papers
This site, produced in connection with the Samuel Gompers Papers project out of the University of Maryland, has key information on AFL founder Samuel Gompers, including a timeline, biographies of Gompers and other labor leaders of his era, and a collection of primary sources.
Haymarket Affair Digital Collection
This digital collection, put together by the Chicago Historical Society, examines the Haymarket Affair in detail, and has many primary sources and historical artifacts online for students to examine.
Labor Arts
This online resource holds a wide variety of powerful images that encourage understanding and appreciation of the contributions working people make to our society.
Sisters in the Brotherhoods
This online exhibition, produced in connection with NYLHA Executive Board Member Jane LaTour’s book, tells the story of women who entered the blue-collar workforce in New York City in the 1970s and 1980s.
Remembering the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire
A valuable resource for remembering one of the most important events in labor history.