E-mail [email protected] to register for An Overview of the Wagner Act and the NLRB. After e-mailing, you’ll receive a Zoom link to the May 9 program.
A bridge between past and present
E-mail [email protected] to register for An Overview of the Wagner Act and the NLRB. After e-mailing, you’ll receive a Zoom link to the May 9 program.
Click the book cover to the left to read Mike Matejka’s review of American Anarchy, a new book by Michael Willrich.
Visit our Book Reviews landing page here to read our entire catalog of labor history book reviews.
We are pleased to publish a review of Les Leopold’s new book, Wall Street’s War on Workers: How Mass Layoffs and Greed are Destroying the Working Class and What to Do About It.
“Leopold’s work is indispensable for labor organizing because of his ability to communicate complex ideas in plain language,” writes reviewer Steve Lawton.
Click here to view our entire catalog of labor history book reviews.